For upcoming 2025-2026 School year (September 2025 starting)

3-K FOR ALL: For child born 2022, enrollment application will open on January 15th 2025.  

PRE-K  FOR ALL: For child born 2021, enrollment application will open on January 15th 2025.

Offers will be released around mid-May 2025 for both 3-K and Pre-K.

For current school year 2024-2025, kindly call us for seat availability/waitlist

​Step 1: Click 3K for all or Pre-k for all for more information from NYCDOE.

​​Step 2: To apply online, create a  Myschools account and fill your information.

​​​Step 3: You must select Queens Pointe Talent Inc. as your 1st choice for best seat placement.  
            School code is 24QBDB

Or call us at 718-803-2300 to have our staff walk you through the process.  

​Schedule a school tour today!  Call 718-803-2300 for appointment.  We are located opposite of Queens Center on the Hoffman Park side.  Private entrance at 57-19 Hoffman Drive.  Look for the blue awning. ​ Please be advised health safety protocols are in effect.  Visitors may be asked to mask wearing, temperature check, and health questionnaire for the safety of our children, staff, and community.


​​We look forward to your child's first step towards a free, full-day, high quality 3k & Pre-K program!  

* 3 years old (3K) & 4-5 years old (Pre-K)  3K and Pre-K For All are Free for all NYC residents

* Full day program (6 hours 20 minutes)     

* Extended hours to 6 pm is available.  Early Drop off is available when minimum students are met.

* Catered breakfast, hot lunch, and snack available based on NYS Healthy child nutrition meal pattern

* Comprehensive NY State 3K and Pre-K learning standards and guiding principles

* English language arts & literacy development, (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)

* Math, science, arts (reasoning, comparing, identifying)

* Social & emotional development (expressing, sharing, awareness, diverse cultural understanding)

​​* Enrichment classes (Gifted & Talented, Mandarin, Ballet, Soccer, Creative Arts) available.   
* Our signature huge private outdoor play space & structure is specific to preschool students.

* Staff certification for Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED and epinephrine auto injector (Epi-Pen)  

Classroom Environment * Develop Independence * Prepare for Kindergarten

3K & ​Pre-K For All (Free)

​Our curriculum is fully aligned with the New York State’s Pre-kindergarten Foundation of the Common Core. Instruction is thematic, content-rich, child-centered and developmentally appropriate.  Our lessons are geared towards a community of learners with diverse backgrounds and skill level.

Our center time is designed to create interactive learning experiences through social interaction and self-regulation. It also allows children the opportunity to try new things in a safe and structured environment. We mirrored our center time with Creative Curriculum’s interest areas that includes writing center, blocks, math center, discovery center, library and dramatic play center. Children are given a lot of opportunity to strengthen their skills in order to improve their reading and writing readiness for Kindergarten. 

The NYCDOE uses the Classroom Assessment Scoring System and the Early Childhood Environmental Ratings Scale (ECERS-R) tools to understand the extent to which Pre-K for All programs are successful at reaching those high-quality standards that support student development and learning across all five domains of the New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core (PKFCC). Both tools are grounded in research about the essential supports for promoting children’s achievement.